Emotional Melodic Rock Ballad Guitar Solo #2
Made this Emotional Melodic Rock Ballad backing track last week and jammed a trippy guitar solo over it. There are some hidden melody...

Juan Antonio | Eton Mess feat. Israel Romero (Official Audio)
So pumped to announce that the first single of “Sublimation” called “Eton Mess” is out now exclusively on Youtube! The song has an...

NON-MODES | 5 Modes You Have Never Heard Of!
The topic of today's lesson is the Non-modes of the major scale! Most of us have all heard about the Modes; but never have I come across...

Juan Antonio | The Making Of “Sublimation”
So excited to share this Behind the Scenes vlog style documentary on the making of my debut album "Sublimation". The whole taping process...

Jason Becker meets David Gilmour?!? | Inspired Licks
In today's installment of the "Meets" series we have Jason Becker and David Gilmour as proposed by Victor Dávila in the comments section...

One of the Best Drive Pedals I've Ever Tried!?! | Fuzzrocious Li'l Fella Demo
Had a ton of fun trying out the huge sounding Li'l Fella pedal by the guys over at Fuzzrocious Pedals !!! Check out some of the killer...