Tosin Abasi's Secret Double Thump Technique
Explaining how Tosin Abasi does his double thumping (double thumbing) technique. I explain the actual technique and how to apply it. Also...
JTC Jam of the Month for September: Juan Antonio
My solo take over Jam Track Central's Jam of the Month for September. The track is a Blues Ballad on which I took more of a Blues Rock...

"10 Jazz Rock Fusion licks on C minor" video shared in
​ I was browsing around my Youtube analytics again and I found out that my "10 Jazz Rock Fusion Licks in C minor" video had been getting...

Crazy Shred Tapping Lick in E minor (w/tabs)
A quick shred lick using some economy picking and tapping in E minor. Relatively simple concept since I am going through the E minor...
My Allan Holdsworth lesson reaches 30,000 views on Youtube!!!
Just found out that my Allan Holdsworth lesson just made it to 30,000 views!!!! Celebrating this new milestone! Thanks for watching you...
JTC Jam of the Month for August: Juan Antonio
My lead take on Jam Track Central's jam of the month group for August. The backing track was provided by the people at Jam Track Central....