Guitar Clinic PDF: "Strategies for Playing Outside"
The files for the "Strategies for Playing Outside" clinic. You can download the full PDF below.

Juan Antonio | Four Little Paws (Official Music Video)
So pumped to release the official video for "Four Little Paws" with the special appearance of non other than Kitty McTavish! Watch until...

Juan Antonio | Eton Mess ft. Israel Romero (Official Music Video)
Physical Album Sales Available via DM's on Social Media:Instagram @juanantonio046 Digital album available on Bandcamp:...

Juan Antonio | Transmutation (Official Music Video)
Set out to do this project yesterday and am proud of the result! Transmutation is now live!

Frank Gambale's Pentatonic Sweep Picking | Inspired Licks
In today's video I go over one of Frank Gambale's Sweeping sequences; the Down Up Up Up sequence to be exact. I apply the same exact...

Eric Johnson's Famous Spread Triads
Today's lesson is all about those famous Eric Johnson Spread Triads. Not only do you get the specific voicing for each triad and the...