How to Create Sweep Picking Arpeggio Roadmaps!
In this lesson I am explaining a Sweep Picking Arpeggio guitar exercise that I have been applying and using a lot lately. The concept...

The John Frusciante Interval Trick | RHCP Inspired Lesson
An awesome intervallic trick I learned from one of my teachers at Musicians Institute; Dale Turner. The interesting bit is that I learned...

Slash's Winding Pentatonics | Sweet Child of Mine Inspired Lick
This quick lick came up as a result as a lesson I was teaching this week to one of my students. The fact is that I had never really sat...

International Jam #2 | Leonardo Guzman | Stel Andre | Richard Daude | Israel Romero | Nathan Ferrazz
An incredible honor to be able to share a couple of notes with these greats of the guitar. Amazing musicians, youtubers, content...

Hendrix Rhythm Guitar Secrets!!! | J. Mayer | J. Frusciante | R. Kotzen | M. Asato
A very cool approach to learning what a lot of amazing players like John Mayer, John Frusciante, Richie Kotzen and Mateus Asato utilize...

Db Lydian Pentatonic Weaving Backing Track | The Art of Scale Weaving
I decided to create backing tracks for every single exercise on my book "The Art of Scale Weaving" to give you guys a couple of extra...