How to play the Blues!!! All of the Blues!!!! | 12 Bar Blues Song Form
The idea behind this video comes from those semi awkward moments in between a jam session where nobody knows where to play. These always...

Welcome to Patreon!!!
Super pumped to finally announce my Patreon profile! In Patreon you can support my channel by way of different tier levels in which you...

Alternate Picking Study | Pedrito Torres Lick
Today's video is a special occasion considering that the lick in the vid was provided by the great Pedrito Torres. A good friend from the...

Locrian natural 2/Aeolian b5 | How to Play Outside Jazz Rock Fusion #9
Today's video is all about the Locrian natural 2 or Aeolian b5 scale. This is the 6th mode of the Melodic Minor scale and also, my go to...

Shred your guitar w/ this String Skipping/Hybrid Picking Exercise!
The idea for this video strangely enough came from looking closely into some of Allan Holdsworth moves when going hyper speed. While...

Shred the guitar w/ this one Sweep Picking Trick!!!
A continuation of my "Create Arpeggio Roadmaps w/ Sweep Picking!" video. In this video I expose yet another sweep picking arpeggio...