Just How Many Mixolydian Scales Are There?!?!
Just How Many Mixolydian Scales Are There?!?! There are a ton of Dominant type scales out there, but from the 4 main parent scales (Major...

Progressive Rock Fusion Guitar Solo #2 | Quarantine Jams
I made this trip spacey fusion type of track the other day and decided to do a quick jam over it. I tried a couple of new things over the...

Juan Antonio ft. Guitar Solo on Israel Romero's "Alien"
My solo on one of Israel Romero's latest tracks "Alien". Enjoy and check out the full video in the link below! Link to Full Song:...

Get Legendary Distorted Tones w/ This Pedal! | ProCo Rat 2 Demo
If you haven't checked out the legendary ProCo Rat then you are definitely missing out. It contains some of the best distorted tones out...

Las Digitaciones Simétricas de Allan Holdsworth | Licks Inspirados
En la lección de hoy explico un lick inspirado en una sección del solo de Allan Holdworth sobre el tema "The Drums Were Yellow". El mismo...

Allan Holdsworth's Symmetrical Fingerings | Inspired Lick
In this video I go over an Inspired Lick that I created based on a section of Allan Holdsworth's solo on "The Drums Were Yellow". It is...