The Half Whole Diminished or Dominant Diminished Scale | How to Play Outside
In today's lesson I go over a really cool scale that I've been getting more and more into as of late. The scale is the Half Whole...

CAGED vs 3 Notas por Cuerda | ¿Cuál es mejor? ¿Y Porqué?
En la lección de hoy, me adentro a los pros y cons de dos de los sistemas de distribución de notas mas famosos; el CAGED y el sistema de...

CAGED vs 3 Notes Per String | Which one is better? And Why!
In today's lesson I go into the pros and cons of two of the most famous note distribution systems for the fretboard; CAGED and 3 notes...

International Jam #4 | Jack Gardiner | Richard Hallebeek | I. Romero | Jan Rivera | Waltteri Pahlama
It is finally time for the 4th installment of the International Guitar Jam!!! And what a line up do we have this time around!!! It is...

80's Hard Rock Guitar Solo | Quarantine Jams
A quick solo over this 80's style backing track that I made with some new sounds that I've been trying out in my DAW. Hope you like the...

¿¡¿Cuántas Escalas de Mixolidio Hay?!?
¿¡¿Cuántas Escalas de Mixolidio Hay?!? Hay una gran variedad de escalas dominantes, pero de las 4 escales de parentesco principales...